Free Money For Exterior Building Repair Using Grant Programs

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Home Exterior Grant Programs

Everyone can understand the beauty of historic buildings, well manicured landscaping, or ornate trim work on a home; but for businesses and homeowners, improving the look of the outside of your building can feel like you are just throwing money away. Although you may not love the appearance of your structure, it’s hard to justify spending a large chunk of profits or savings for a ‘vain’ facade change. In reality however, the exterior of your home or business can drastically change the value of the building itself.

Improve the value of your building

A new building facade, or simple landscaping/ maintenance can change the overall curb appeal of your property. Some estimates place curb appeal for determining up to a 15% increase in the asking price for a property!

Suddenly replacing old windows, adding decorative siding, or adding ornate trim to your home doesn’t sound so unreasonable. Still, many property owners don’t think they have the means for these improvements. 

How to get free money for improving your home

Believe it or not, depending on where you live there may actually be Free money that you can acquire to make these home exterior improvements… You read that right. Free money.

The city of Louisville  and many areas near by are steeped in history See: To preserve this history, or simply to improve the look of certain areas, many counties offer forgivable loans or matching grants for building exterior improvements.

Old Louisville, Jtwon, Middletown, New Albany and Jeffersonville Indiana all have their own ways of offering money to those seeking to restore history or improve the look of a building

Available grants quick links:

Jeffersonville forgivable loan program

New Albany Urban Enterprise Association Residential Façade Grant Program

Most if not all of these programs require a quote and detailed explanation of services to be completed prior to submitting a grant application from a certified contractor

The right contractor for the job

K&P specializes in all types of home improvement contracting. We have extensive knowledge when it comes to preserving history and updating delapedated structures. The experienced roofers and contractors at K&P believe in building up Louisville and its surrounding areas and understand how to work with insurance claims, or grant programs to provide the work you need at a reasonable cost. Call K&P and experience excellence in all projects: commercial and residential.